How to Buy a Home in Lincoln, Nebraska

How to Buy a Home in Lincoln, Nebraska

Being a homebuyer in 2024 feels like sprinting. You hear the horn blow — “Just listed!” — and run like your life depends on it.

Your routine becomes a blur of house showings, paperwork, and budgeting. And no matter how fast you are or how much you want a specific home, it feels like half a dozen people are trying to beat you to the finish line.

Everyone is sprinting. Everyone is winded.

But not everyone has trained for this event — and you can.

There are five things you can do before you start looking at potential homes that will give you a competitive edge, and the first one is reviewing paperwork ahead of time.

As a realtor in the Lincoln area, I like to give my new buyers all the necessary paperwork upfront so they can review it before we begin our search. This way, they’re ready to sign an offer when we find the perfect home for them.

I mean, imagine it: No stress. No scramble. You’ve already been over the fine print. Sounds like a dream, right?

The second thing you can do to improve your odds is make yourself available. Homes are selling quickly right now, which means if you wait a few days to view a new listing, it’s probably already under contract.

Remember, we’re training for a sprint — but it is a sprint.

Third (and something I see people fail to consider all the time), get a realtor. Don’t wait until you find the right house to work with a stranger who isn’t invested in you or your family.

Getting a realtor on board early in the process makes homebuying infinitely smoother. It’s kind of like hiring a personal trainer. Yes, you could go to the gym by yourself and throw some weights around, but if you want to make real progress, you’re going to need a strategy. Realtors are great at those.

Another tip I share with my buyers is the importance of getting pre-approved by a lender. It’s not a fun process, but it is necessary. You’ll need financial documents like tax returns and pay stubs to get started, so collect those first.

And finally, as lackluster as it is in today’s economy, save money. If you want to outlast the competition, having cash in the bank is a must.

Now, I’m not insinuating that you should pay for an entire house in cash, but you may need to offer a larger down payment (or enough to cover an appraisal gap). Again, this is about giving yourself an edge, and just like in track and field, the numbers don’t lie.

Buying a home can be stressful — but it doesn’t have to be exhausting. Make the necessary preparations, and you’ll be powering over the finish line in no time.